Whats yout name?
Theresa Dalsky, but my friends call me Resa.

What is your husband's name?

What do you do for a living?
I work at a local bank.

Where did you meet your husband?
Social media-ish. It's long story, possibly even deserving of its own post.

When did you start dating?
June 10, 2012

When were you married?
August 20, 2016

My mother Micki, is a hair dresser and my dad Don, works for Michigan Department of Transportation. I was blessed enough to have really great supportive parents. 
They are divorced now, and my dad is remarried to a wonderful woman named Barb.

What is your favorite food?
Pizza. I am italian, so pasta, breads, and cheesy anything are all right up there on my list.

What is your favorite drink?
I really have never been much of a drinker. I don't really have a go to drink. I do enjoy water or slightly sweetened iced tea. 

What are your interests?
I love fashion, shopping, style, writing, DIY's, pop culture, music, decor, Marvel Universe, DC Universe, Harry Potter, psychology, art, mermaid everything, animals, and so so much more. 

What do you hate?
People who have no regard for others'. Alarm clocks, aspartame, the way benedryl makes me feel and the smell of fish.

Give us a description of your introduction to writing?
At 12 years old I learned that I loved to write. I loved writing anything and everything. I was an only child with a vivid imagination, and I would just get lost in writing. I got to High School and life just got too busy to be lost in daydreams. Since then I haven't written for leisure.
But now I am back at it and loving it!! 


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