Saturday, July 28, 2018

Top 5 Most Handsome Celebrities

Happy Saturday friends!
Yesterday was a difficult day for me. It was a long day. On a personal level I was stressed and I feel like it ran in over into my work day. I absolutely hate that because I usually can drop my problems at the door but for some reason yesterday my head was checked out. It took me longer to accomplish my daily projects.
Today I am thought it would be cool if we talked about my top 5 most handsome Celebrities. This is going to be in any order because I couldn't possibly rank them.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Fashion Friday: Tulle and Leather

Happy Friday my friends! I for one am so glad it's almost the weekend.
Earlier this week my husband was let go from his job. That admittedly has been very difficult. We are just doing our best to make the most out of our situation. I am glad we get to spend the weekend with him.
Onwards to Fashion Friday Business!

This week I wanted something a bit whimsical and a bit rock and roll. I loved the look  from My Here and Now Life because it absolutely fits what I was wanting.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Our favorite Spaghetti Recipe

Kyle's grandma maked this "spaghetti" that his family goes crazy over. It's a tomato meat sauce and it's really great.
Kyle and I wanted to have our own little red meat sauce that was cheap quick and easy.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Most attractive personality traits

It's my weirdo philosophy that I look for personality traits I wish I possessed.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

This is not a drill!

One of my favorite stores Penningtons is having a sale.

Penningtons is my favorite to store to get my bras and panties. Maybe because there is one near me so I know exactly how they fit me and what I like.
If you are needing new tops they're on sale now for as low as $5.00.

Order a Dia Box in the month of July and you'll be entered for a chance to win a $1,000 in Dia&Co credit!.

Most important things in a relationship

I know a lot of people think looks and appearance are the most important things in a relationship, but I don’t agree.
What I feel is the most important is:

Monday, July 23, 2018

Menswear Monday

Hello. As you may have noticed I took Sunday off. It was a long week, my husband had a bachelor party to throw for his long time BFF Doug Sunday afternoon as well.
I spent the day with Liz and my niece Juliette. It was a relaxing day but we're back to work on Monday.

It's Menswear Monday where I take an outfit and locate pieces inspired by the the outfit for the big and tall gentlemen.

Today's Menswear Monday is inspired by: a Look from Cody Weston Andrew

Get the look after the jump.