Saturday, June 9, 2018


 We went to Mackinac Island's Lilac Festival which is something I've always wanted to do.
Mackinac Island is an island located between the Upper and Lower Peninsula of Michigan!

Friday, June 8, 2018

National best friend's day.

In honor I am making a gift list inspired by my best friend.

Fashion Friday Striped Blazer

 The inspiration.
Since earlier today I posted a more casual rocker Chic look I figured I'd go with a more professional second look today. (Oh yes, we get two today.)

I love this look so much. It reminds me of my wonderful Grandma Evelyn. Very chic, just like her.

Fashion Friday Rocker Chic

Fashion Fridays!!

I'm going to find an outfit and find like styled pieces for the plus size woman to be able to pull off said look.

Fashion Friday Inspiration:

Thursday, June 7, 2018


I am on a constant journey to feel better. I personally feel one of the best ways to feel good is self care.

I had fully intended on posting a continuation from the gift ideas today, but I had an absolutely terrible no good awful bad day yesterday. Nothing went according to any plan I could have prepared for. So after work I came home, took some deep breathes, exhaled the bad sh*t, and did some self-care.

Self-care is literally defined by Wikipedia as "Ihealth careself-care is any necessary human regulatory function which is under individual control, deliberate and self-initiated."

I have learned what I do for self-care may be totally different than what other people do. 
My self care checklist includes:

  • Drinking 8 glasses of water a day
  • Watching a favorite movie
  • Cleaning (Something about it clears my head.)
  • Talk to a friend
  • Walking 9,000 steps
  • Make sure to use moisturizer everyday
  • Take time for myself
  • Playing with my dogs
  • Doing something fun
  • Making sure I get 8 hours of sleep
  • Take a moment out of my day to make somebody smile or laugh.
After work yesterday I came home, hung out with my husband, watched a movie, did a cleansing face mask, chatted on the phone to my best friend, drank some tea, and played with my dogs. I felt significantly better.

What do you guys do for self-care? Let me know in the comments!!

Xoxo, T

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Crock Pot Smothered Porkchops

I do not own this photo. My link
will take you to the original owner.
One of my absolute favorite crockpot dump meals is the Smothered Crock Pot Pork Chops.

Great gift ideas for her

I am always hunting for gift ideas for people.
I always try to do the whole Pinterest DIY projects which always ends so badly.
I seem to find loads of great gifts from January to September, but just before Christmas I am at an absolute loss for gift ideas.
I am going to do a little series of great gifts

For her:

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Cleaning Hacks

My husband works in the garage at a car dealership locally. 
As you may have guessed he comes home filthy. I feel like I spend most of my time at home cleaning. 
I actually just noticed there is a spot on our doorway where he must grab onto or touch everyday he comes home that I managed to miss because it's just disgusting. 

Here are a few of my favorite cleaning tips:
 A drill attachment scrub brush.
This is my go to for scrubbing the tub.

The less physical work I gotta put myself through the better.

Scrub Brush Attachment

It's $9.26 and qualifies for free shipping with Amazon Prime.

It's a lifesaver.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Ceiling fans though, who knew?

Guess what I learned y'all?
You are supposed to adjust the direction of your ceiling fan based on the season.
I had no idea.
I gave it a whirl.
When we moved into our rental a year ago the fan was going clockwise and we hadn't touched it. I switched it last week and it has made a world of difference in our bedroom.

Have you guys tried switching fan direction? Do you do it religiously? Do you feel it makes a difference? Let me know! I'm interested to know what y'alls opinions are on this.

Xoxo, T