I am on a constant journey to feel better. I personally feel one of the best ways to feel good is self care.
I had fully intended on posting a continuation from the gift ideas today, but I had an absolutely terrible no good awful bad day yesterday. Nothing went according to any plan I could have prepared for. So after work I came home, took some deep breathes, exhaled the bad sh*t, and did some self-care.
Self-care is literally defined by Wikipedia as "I
n health care, self-care is any necessary human regulatory function which is under individual control, deliberate and self-initiated."
I have learned what I do for self-care may be totally different than what other people do.
My self care checklist includes:
- Drinking 8 glasses of water a day
- Watching a favorite movie
- Cleaning (Something about it clears my head.)
- Talk to a friend
- Walking 9,000 steps
- Make sure to use moisturizer everyday
- Take time for myself
- Playing with my dogs
- Doing something fun
- Making sure I get 8 hours of sleep
- Take a moment out of my day to make somebody smile or laugh.
After work yesterday I came home, hung out with my husband, watched a movie, did a cleansing face mask, chatted on the phone to my best friend, drank some tea, and played with my dogs. I felt significantly better.
What do you guys do for self-care? Let me know in the comments!!
Xoxo, T