Monday, September 27, 2021

Domestic Abuse

Today I'm going to touch on a much more serious subject from my usual posts. 
This post is coming with a trigger/content warning: ⚠️ * assault/manipulation/abuse * ⚠️  

"Yes he makes you cry sometimes, but there are really good times too. 
Sometimes he can be scary, but he loves you so much. 
He can be violent on occasion, but it’s only because you upset him. 
He can make you feel worthless but he’s so charming. 
You’ve thought about leaving, but he knows all the right things to win you back. 
It’s all going to be okay, right? He wouldn’t actually do anything, right? 


1-800-799-SAFE "

I don't talk about it but I am a survivor of domestic abuse. 

This guy I dated before I met my husband. 
He was very handsome and people were always quick to tell me how lucky I was. He would do the social media posts about me being his "woman crush wednesday" or gushing about me in a post. 
I really thought he was it for me... 
Then he became a bit possessive and controlling. It didn't seem like a huge deal I just thought he must really think I'm something special that he is worried about losing me. 
That was how it started, that is how I began excuses for his poor behavior.