Monday, September 13, 2021

New beginnings

 Good day folks,

I've accepted a new job that I am very excited about. It feels right. I'm excited about what I am doing. 

Kyle, Ava and I have been just having fun weekends together this summer. It's been such a blessing to have been able to be home with her for the last year. She is wild, sweet and fiesty all at the same time. 

We got to go to the Garlyn Zoo this summer. We got to do several picnics and BBQ's with family. We have spent a lot of time with Nana. We got to cross the Canadian border to see grandpa Don and Grandma Barb. That was very special and I can't wait to be able to do that more frequently. It had been particularly difficult because everything shut down in March 2020 when Ava was 8 months old. They couldn't see her on her first or second birthday or watch her grow and change every day. She took to my dad so quickly it just made my heart overflow.

Kyle and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary this year. I am so blessed to have such a great person to spend my life with and raise children with. He really amazes me everyday at what a fantastic human he is. We have both grown so much since we started dating in 2012.  We have gone through some ups and downs but I'm glad we overcame it all. He is my person.
We refinanced our house this summer for a lower rate. (Because why not?) We bought me a new (to me) car. We sold my old 4Runner because as spacious as it was, when you're toting strollers, stuffed animals, wagons and a diaper bag it's amazing how cramped it felt. 
I accepted a job as an administrative assistant. My boss is amazing so far, I've gotten an opportunity to see her in action. It was an amazing experience to see a woman lead with such power and grace. Very much girl power. 

Hope you all are well and that you've had the best summer adventures. 


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