Saturday, July 27, 2019

Good day to you.

Good morning!

There is so much to update you on.
We bought a house. A lovely 3 bedroom, 2 bath, with 2 city lots! The house is a two story with lots of great original woodwork, french doors leading into our living room, it was newly carpeted and painted. The bedrooms are a bit smalled than we are used to, but we get so much extra stuff it's totally worth it.
At at 36 weeks and 6 days on July 13, 2019 at
11:41pm we welcomed our princess Avolet Grace into this world. She was 9 pounds 6 ounces and 21 and 1/4 long. She came via C-Section. I was contracting all day, and spent HOURS with 7 minute apart contractions (because I was not going in until they were 5 minutes apart) they suddenly went to 2 minutes apart but I was just no where near dialted enough. She was so big she would have had to come C Section anyway, so I am glad I made the choice to do a C Section at that moment.

That is the newest of news. I am really going to try to post more regularly. I've missed the self expression for sure.


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