Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Be a warrior, not a worrier: tips for managing stress

I have been so very busy lately. With day trips, vet visits, doctors appointments, visiting family, lunch with my mom, having out with friends, lack of sleep, weddings, etc... I feel like I am a bit burnt out.
I am absolutely struggling this morning with coming up with a worthy post. I decided todays post is going to be about stress management and how to relax.

Aromatherapy: I have heard so many great things about the magnificent healing powers of aromatherapy. Lavender. Peppermint, Eucalyptus, and Citrus are great for relieving stress. I love to burn candles. When scent fills the room I find it to be very calming. Bath and Body Works has a great line for stress relief aromatherapy.

Taking a moment for yourself. I like to take a moment and do something for myself. Be it just taking a hot shower, doing a face mask, washing and moisturizing my face, painting my nails, something that is going to make me feel refreshed. Walmart has a great little list of various face masks.

Listening to music. Depending on my mood calming or nostalgic music for me can really release the stress. There is a great mini list of stress relieving songs here.

Time management. I find I am less stressed when I have everything organized. I use a planner to help me finance, figure out when what is due and to remember important events. I am much less stressed knowing I won't be caught off guard. Daily Planners at Staples.

What about you? What works for you to manage your stress? Let me know!!!

Xoxo, T


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