Hello out there! Today is July 11, and is also my birthday! Today I am turning 31 years old. I am just as shocked as you are that I have made it this far. I've been 30 for a whole year now and I am getting the hang of this "thirties thing" so I wanted to do a post dedicated to the 10 things you need to do before you turn 30.
1. Try something new. Try something totally out of your comfort zone. Growing up I was (and still tend to be) a creature of habit. The very first time I stepped out of my comfort zone was so exhilarating and freeing! It really taught me that if you are just existing then you're not really living.
2. Open a savings account and make an attempt to save money for an emergency fund.
There are so many saving options on pinterest. Putting away so much money a week, daily, whatever. You can direct deposit some money into a savings account from your paystub or even just move money from your checking to savings periodically. Life happens fast one moment everything is fine and the next you have a expense you weren't prepared for.
3. Get a massage.
I am not a skinny mini lady. I for the longest time was really hesitant to go to get a massage because I was nervous about it. My mom got me a gift certificate and I went and I loved it. I didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable, it was wonderful. Everyone should take a moment for themselves now and again.
4. Get organized.
I need a planner for myself to ensure I have everything written down, to pay my bills, etc. Even if you just use the calendar application on your phone or better yet if you don't even need a planner or calendar and can just keep yourself organized on your own, kudos to you!
5. Get your fortune read.
I got my tea leaves read and I had a blast. My friend Melissa and Inhave gone many times. It's so fun, and it's a fun thing to do on an afternoon with a few friends.
6. Learn something new.
Take a class, learn a new language, learn a skill, even if it's just from youtube! Kyle and I are talking about learning Spainish. So if you know of a good educational Spanish CD I can play in my car while I drive you should leave that in comments for me!!!
7. Stop caring what other people think.
This is hard for me, I have so much anxiety. I always want to make everyone happy. I have learned the less I worry about everyone else and just myself the more happy I feel overall.
8. Start a family tradition.
Kyle and I are working on finding our own tradition yet. Maybe our tradition is just going to our families for holidays.
9. Learn how to take criticism.
Another tough one for me. I hate hearing negative things and I always feel like it's personal. It's a useful tool for making yourself better as a result person or an employee.
10. Set personal goals and work to achieve them. Start small, eat well for a day, two days, a week. Do what needs to be done, remove obstacles. (Avoid the doughnuts at work) and reward yourself for a job well done. (Buy the shoes!!!)
What about you? Do you have a bucket list or a to-do list? What is on your list?
1. Try something new. Try something totally out of your comfort zone. Growing up I was (and still tend to be) a creature of habit. The very first time I stepped out of my comfort zone was so exhilarating and freeing! It really taught me that if you are just existing then you're not really living.
2. Open a savings account and make an attempt to save money for an emergency fund.
There are so many saving options on pinterest. Putting away so much money a week, daily, whatever. You can direct deposit some money into a savings account from your paystub or even just move money from your checking to savings periodically. Life happens fast one moment everything is fine and the next you have a expense you weren't prepared for.
3. Get a massage.
I am not a skinny mini lady. I for the longest time was really hesitant to go to get a massage because I was nervous about it. My mom got me a gift certificate and I went and I loved it. I didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable, it was wonderful. Everyone should take a moment for themselves now and again.
4. Get organized.
I need a planner for myself to ensure I have everything written down, to pay my bills, etc. Even if you just use the calendar application on your phone or better yet if you don't even need a planner or calendar and can just keep yourself organized on your own, kudos to you!
5. Get your fortune read.
I got my tea leaves read and I had a blast. My friend Melissa and Inhave gone many times. It's so fun, and it's a fun thing to do on an afternoon with a few friends.
6. Learn something new.
Take a class, learn a new language, learn a skill, even if it's just from youtube! Kyle and I are talking about learning Spainish. So if you know of a good educational Spanish CD I can play in my car while I drive you should leave that in comments for me!!!
7. Stop caring what other people think.
This is hard for me, I have so much anxiety. I always want to make everyone happy. I have learned the less I worry about everyone else and just myself the more happy I feel overall.
8. Start a family tradition.
Kyle and I are working on finding our own tradition yet. Maybe our tradition is just going to our families for holidays.
9. Learn how to take criticism.
Another tough one for me. I hate hearing negative things and I always feel like it's personal. It's a useful tool for making yourself better as a result person or an employee.
10. Set personal goals and work to achieve them. Start small, eat well for a day, two days, a week. Do what needs to be done, remove obstacles. (Avoid the doughnuts at work) and reward yourself for a job well done. (Buy the shoes!!!)
What about you? Do you have a bucket list or a to-do list? What is on your list?
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