Probably since childhood I was always told that it was a good thing I didn't drink coffee. That coffee was bad, bad for my health, and bad for my teeth. I had braces for three years (a lifetime...) and the last thing I wanted was to stain or otherwise damage my teeth. I primarily drank water and sometimes juice, tea and pop. Granted pop is not by any means good for you, I was sort of lead on a path of avoiding dark colored pop and it's better than coffee.
I always attempt to wean myself off of caffeine because it's also supposed to be bad for you. About three weeks ago I somehow managed to make it through a few days without caffeine and I had the most insane migraine ever. I made a comment to my manager about "roughing it" to be "caffeine free." She and my coworker were like "...But why?" Our conversation led to them educating me about how good coffee is actually is for you.
I went home and researched.
Did you know coffee has antioxidants which can fight cancer? I certainly did not.
Coffee also has an anti-inflammatory which can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, liver disease, Type 2 diabetes, and heart conditions. It can also reduce the risk of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
Coffee can improve cognitive function.
Coffee can decrease the risk of depression.
Granted one should only drink coffee in moderation, too much can be harmful.
Apparently to get the best benefits of coffee you should try to avoid adding sugar and if you find difficulty sleeping not to drink after 2:00 pm.
I always want to like coffee but I struggle, I think I need it to taste less like coffee and more like hot chocolate.
Do you guys like coffee? How do you take your coffee? Where do you get your favorite coffee drink and what's your go-to order?
I always attempt to wean myself off of caffeine because it's also supposed to be bad for you. About three weeks ago I somehow managed to make it through a few days without caffeine and I had the most insane migraine ever. I made a comment to my manager about "roughing it" to be "caffeine free." She and my coworker were like "...But why?" Our conversation led to them educating me about how good coffee is actually is for you.
I went home and researched.
Did you know coffee has antioxidants which can fight cancer? I certainly did not.
Coffee also has an anti-inflammatory which can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, liver disease, Type 2 diabetes, and heart conditions. It can also reduce the risk of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
Coffee can improve cognitive function.
Coffee can decrease the risk of depression.
Granted one should only drink coffee in moderation, too much can be harmful.
Apparently to get the best benefits of coffee you should try to avoid adding sugar and if you find difficulty sleeping not to drink after 2:00 pm.
I always want to like coffee but I struggle, I think I need it to taste less like coffee and more like hot chocolate.
Do you guys like coffee? How do you take your coffee? Where do you get your favorite coffee drink and what's your go-to order?
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